Sunday, January 24, 2010

Navagating between scenes

Describe in your own words how to navigate between scenes including labeling, instance names, button formation, and codes. What was the most frustrating part of coding your first two scenes? What did you learn that will make the navigation much smoother next time? Are you more comfortable with the navigating process? Navagating between scenes is much easier now that I did it the first time. A lot of the navagating was about the buttons, the codes and the instancce name plus the scene names. In the code you had to put the button name your were using so flash would know when you click it you have to go to here. Then you had to put the scene name of where you wanted the button to make it go. Once you were done with that and the other extra little bits of codes you had to put the code "stop" bacically so it would stay on the scene. All of it was more sophisticated then that though. Like for the button namee you had to give it a instance name so you could put the code in correctly. I had some some minor problems overall though my tweening didn't help at all in the navagating. What I did was take all the tweening out and it was fixed.

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