Thursday, June 3, 2010

Final Game

My game is complete I have uploaded to the game gallery and it is ready to be judged. I doubt that I will when the stem game competion but I still have hopes.  We got to look at and comment on everyones game. That was cool I am also going to look at other people's games in globaloria. There are schools like east and sandy river middle school. Some of the games lokk really goodd and then there were some games that werent to great. Best of luck to everybody who is participating in the stem games.


Globaloria is coming to an end. We are having a party tommorrow its going to be awsome. There is going to be pizza and drinks. We also get to show our parents our games it what all the class is about. Tommorrow's going to be a funfilled day. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I finished my game the other day I have added my final scene to my game. The scene has a man where you have to go get all the correct fractions. Once you get 5 points you automatically go to the next scene. Now that I am done I am working on my presentation. It is due on tuesday so this week I have to finish.

Friday, April 30, 2010

I have been working on our game all this week in globaloria. My game is coming along pretty good so far. My link didn't work because it was taking my play button to a different scene. I am adding in a story in my game to make it more creative. My goal is to make each level in my game better than the next. The more levls have the beterr it should get. We are on a time crunch so I can't really take a whole of time. I am going to try my best to make my game as best as possible. Good luck to alll on there game.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I got that new scene fixed last week. It allows youto click on one button to go to the bext scene. Now I am working on my next scene which will be my third. Right now we are on a time crunch we might have to present in 3 weeks. I am going to have to go as fast as I can good luck to all.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


We have been working on our game all this week in globaloria. My game is coming along great so far. I hope to add a link in it later next week. Mrs. sheppard is seeing if ahe can make two things move  on my game. After that I will begin working on the next level of my game. The level I am currently working on is a queestion were you place a hotdog on the right bun. Then if you get the right bun you move on in the game. I am trying to make each level better than the last so that my game gets better as you get further into it. If the timeline goes as planned the game should be done towards the end of the year. Good luck to everybody else whon is working on there game.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Intro to actionscript

Intro to actionscript was a little helpful I would say. It some new codes for flash but some of them I new already. The video showed you how to use a thing in flash where is you type 'on' it will bring a list of actions. After completeing the actionscript I felt that I hadn't got a whole lot accomplised but overall it was decent to use for flash. Next we will be doint pragramming practice I haope that will devlop my game even more.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Development plan

Today in globaloria I worked on my devlopment plan. The development plan is where you review your game and replace the old scenes you had before. There were alot of changes in my game so far. In part of my game I had no animation at all and now I am planning on having all my scenes with aniamtion. Also there has been less text in my game so instead I draw my words mostly to make it more creative. From the time to the paper protoype there has been an enourmous amount of changes. I think my gmae is more fun and interactive now from when I was plannning it to be. The one major thing the development plan shows you is your progress overall. I like it because it gives you a sense of accomplishment. I have learned that you have to have patience and a understanding of how to work with flash. Once my game is done I will work on the next development plan and by that time my game should be over

Sunday, March 14, 2010


On monday we will be having a test run on our game presentation. The presentation nedds to be about 8-10 minutes. It also has to include links to your game and details about it. After our trial run monday we are on. The globaloria people from new york will be evaluating us and making suggestions for our game. Once it is done we will continue to work on our game for the rest of the year. I hope everybody does well on their presentation. 

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Explain where you are in your game. Are you headed in the same direction that you started or have you taken a detour? What is the most exciting thing about your game? What is going to be the most difficult thing in making your game? Do you need help in any part of your design? Are you planning on adding anything that was not included in your paper prototype? If so, why did you change your mind? Right now I am still working on the first level of my game. I am trying to get all my scenes to navigate correctly. Now I am going at a stedy speed on my game it was due this friday but since we missed two days of school so it will probably be extended. The most difficult part in the game is when the scens do noot navigate and you can't figure out how to fix it. The bet part of the game is the creativity and design of your game I need no help with either. I have added a lot since my paper prototype the ideas are completelt different. I changed them because the first ideas didn't seem right to me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

least favorite math concept

What is your least favorite math concept? Why do you dislike it? What can you do to improve it? Find a link that will help you with the concept. Find two games that will help you with the concept. After playing the games, are you more comfortable with your skills? What else can you do to improve your skills with this concept? Make sure you link the research pages and game links.

My least favorite concept in math is graphing. I dislike it because it doesn't seem really important because it is so simole that you have learned enough by now to not learn it anymore. To improve this I think you would only need about 1-2 weeks on the subject. Here is alink about my theory. There are graphs that are helpful but learning at a certain excent is pointless unless youa re planning to use in your future.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Globaloria skills

What do you think are you best skills in Globaloria? How can you help others with these skills? Are there any specific things that you can share with others that will help them with these skills? Share some of your experieces using the skills in Globaloria. Give an example of how you can use the skills in everyday life. Some of my best skills in globaloria is making buttons. I find very easy to make one. First you make a object then you select it and go to convert oto symbol and call it a button. I believe that I could help some epople with this for the students of globaloria next year. I could teach them how to do it next year. Some skills that I could tell other people in globaloria is how to move from scene to scene. you have to go to this adding navigation.
Adding Navigation That will tell you all about moving from scene to scene. Thats what helped me most in doing it. It basically has some videos codes and links on how to do it. Skills and globaloria can really relate to life. Like when your game isn't working you need to have patience. That had happened to me in the very beginning of globaloria. We were making a minigame and my carrot wasn't working. I had patience and after a long time of working with it it finally worked.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


WE won our game today we are 1-5 whooooooooo.

Navagating between scenes

Describe in your own words how to navigate between scenes including labeling, instance names, button formation, and codes. What was the most frustrating part of coding your first two scenes? What did you learn that will make the navigation much smoother next time? Are you more comfortable with the navigating process? Navagating between scenes is much easier now that I did it the first time. A lot of the navagating was about the buttons, the codes and the instancce name plus the scene names. In the code you had to put the button name your were using so flash would know when you click it you have to go to here. Then you had to put the scene name of where you wanted the button to make it go. Once you were done with that and the other extra little bits of codes you had to put the code "stop" bacically so it would stay on the scene. All of it was more sophisticated then that though. Like for the button namee you had to give it a instance name so you could put the code in correctly. I had some some minor problems overall though my tweening didn't help at all in the navagating. What I did was take all the tweening out and it was fixed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mathematical Concept of my game

Research your mathematical concept and cite and link your sources. Do middle schoolers have problems with this concept? How is your game going to address this concept to help middle schooler have a better understanding? My game's mathemarical concept is converting decimals, fractions percents into each other. That way students will find a easier way to learn about it. When you convert a decimal into into a percentage you do it like this.
.27=27% so basically what you do there is drop the decimal then add apercentage sign and you are done. Now when you do a fraction to a percentage you do this. First you take a fraction like 2/5 and you do 2 divided by 5 once you do that your answer will be .40 . Then you need to convert a decimal into a percent (look at the top). Here is some research on the math.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Mrs.sheppard Is gone so It has kinda been a slow day. I am fixing my game still though. I am having problems so I will probably have to be ready by the time Mrs.sheppard gets back. I need to figure out how to go back so hopefully. I hope everybody has a good weekend


Yesterday I got my game fixed. It had something to do with my stop on release code. I ididnt put the stop where I needed it. Now it is fixed and I am ready to go. Now hopefullly linking willl be easy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I am still working on my game Right now I am trying to link my page. I am using the adding navigation code to do it. If I can get the first one the rest of theshould be easy to work.I hope it works because then I will be even closer to the end of my game. Hopefully everything will go right.

Monday, January 11, 2010


We are back in globaloria now. I am starting my game but my files will nbot open. I will have to wait tommorrow to get started.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


With all these snow days I don't know if we are going to make it in globaloria. I mean I think the deadline is lan. 10. I hope we get more time for it.