Sunday, February 28, 2010


Explain where you are in your game. Are you headed in the same direction that you started or have you taken a detour? What is the most exciting thing about your game? What is going to be the most difficult thing in making your game? Do you need help in any part of your design? Are you planning on adding anything that was not included in your paper prototype? If so, why did you change your mind? Right now I am still working on the first level of my game. I am trying to get all my scenes to navigate correctly. Now I am going at a stedy speed on my game it was due this friday but since we missed two days of school so it will probably be extended. The most difficult part in the game is when the scens do noot navigate and you can't figure out how to fix it. The bet part of the game is the creativity and design of your game I need no help with either. I have added a lot since my paper prototype the ideas are completelt different. I changed them because the first ideas didn't seem right to me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

least favorite math concept

What is your least favorite math concept? Why do you dislike it? What can you do to improve it? Find a link that will help you with the concept. Find two games that will help you with the concept. After playing the games, are you more comfortable with your skills? What else can you do to improve your skills with this concept? Make sure you link the research pages and game links.

My least favorite concept in math is graphing. I dislike it because it doesn't seem really important because it is so simole that you have learned enough by now to not learn it anymore. To improve this I think you would only need about 1-2 weeks on the subject. Here is alink about my theory. There are graphs that are helpful but learning at a certain excent is pointless unless youa re planning to use in your future.